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This just a short and sweet explanation of hypnosis, how to use all of the downloads, and a couple pictures of me so you know who you're listening to. ;) Enjoy!
This is a must have if you're interested in taking any of the Mind to Mind classes. It has everything you need to create a good space to start your psychic work. Have fun! 73 pgs
Please enjoy this complimentary set of Create your Life with Light class introduction, eBook and mini meditation. It's a great way to see if these classes are a good fit for you. Enjoy!
Please enjoy this short Journaling to ______ Class Set introduction video. This is a great way to decide if these types classes are right for you. Happy Listening!
This complimentary set explains the Let's Chat Series and the best way to use the downloads. It's super short (4 minutes). It comes with directions in a .jpeg and audio/video instructions. Enjoy!
Use your Spiritual Light to bring balance to the planet, your body and your life. This is the manual that goes with all the classes in this section. (All of the Light the Earth downloads work with this manual/course.)
This is a brief description of the What's the Message? classes. You'll get a short audio description and mini eBook when you check-out this product. Enjoy!
If you're planning on taking any of the classes or doing any mind to mind communication work, get this course! It's everything you need to get rid of any doubts and make communicating mind to mind simple and easy.
If you want to move forward, this is how you do it. Get the message, fix/act on the guidance you receive and get on with your life. (Lesson Learned) You'll figure out what is going on and why and understand the deeper workings of Spirit in your life.
If you're doing any manifesting, at all, take this course. You can use it every time you set a new goal or manifestation. It will help you fine-tune what you're creating, check your goals (and your future/futures) and get any questions answered.
This class help you to expand your abundance consciousness. You'll be amazed how it changes every aspect of your life. You may use this anytime (and everytime) you need an abundance pick me up!
This is a great program to get you a jump start on your communicating abilities and classes and if you want some one on one guidance for your mind to mind work. This coaching session is a combination of class explanation and a psychic reading.
Practice your psychic abilities while you work on your mind to mind communication skills! This set has instructions, affirmations and exercises. 219 pages. Enjoy!
This is a great set to go with any of the other classes you are taking. It comes with instructions, worksheets and affirmations. 42 pages Happy Color Manifesting!
This 28 page eBook walks you through how to best use all of your positive affirmations and your diary pages. Happy Thinking!
Free 3 Day Trial Offer to Stream all of the Mind to Mind Classes
We have a plethora of manifesting exercises and classes that complement your journaling exercises. Our affirmation image eBooks are always free. Download some today!
There's nothing worse than not knowing if you're heading in the right direction and doing what you need to to achieve your goals. This download helps you check in with yourself to 'be sure' you're still on track. Yay! Happy Manifesting!
These are super cute items with the Animal Reiki symbol on them. You can choose from a plethora of stuff from marketing your business to washing the puppers! Click on the link in the long description to be directed to the shop. How fun!
This session brings you back to now and helps you if you have a tendency to work yourself into a state of stress or panic. Anyone that has ever felt that dread/panic feeling about ____ knows how important it is to stop it before it becomes reality.
You have access to all of the information you could ever imagine. You have the answers to every question that you can come up with. And, you want to give it to you... The Key: Asking the question correctly, so that you get your desired outcome.
$9.95 $19.95
To become a Reiki practitioner, you must take the class and receive the proper attunements. This is for anyone that has not received their attunement or would like to be attuned, again.
Unlimited Streaming for our DIY Downloads and Guided Meditations. Join one of our Monthly Clubs. There's a free 24 hour trial for our Hypnosis and Meditation of the Month Clubs. And the Just for Kids Club has a 3 day trial period. Enjoy!
Get out of the house and go have some fun! If you've ever stopped yourself from doing anything because you have been self-conscious or felt bad about the way you look, this session was made for you!
$4.95 $20.95
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