If you're doing any manifesting, at all, take this course. You can use it every time you set a new goal or manifestation. It will help you fine-tune what you're creating, check your goals (and your future/futures) and get any questions answered.
Focus on doing what you love! You'll open up your heart chakra and magnetize clients to you. You can listen to this download any and every time you need or want clients.
This music is perfect for energy work, meditation, or anytime you'd like to have soothing music in the background. Listen to the samples to see if you like it. There's no talking on the track that you're buying and the recording is crystal clear. Enjoy!
This music is perfect for energy work, meditation, or anytime you'd like to have soothing music in the background. Listen to the samples to see if you like it. There's no talking on the track that you're buying and the recording is crystal clear. Enjoy!
Please enjoy this super cute eBook of activity and coloring sheets. You may print the whole book or just the pages that you want to use at the time. 42 pages
This is a super cute mini-activity book (it only has 8 pages) but it gives you in idea of what the other activity books are like. Plus, it has the symbols for Om and Reiki on each sheet. Enjoy!
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